Saturday, October 17, 2009

Why Alpha Lipid?

Why Alpha Lipid?

Alpha Lipid colostrum is a patented form of bovine colostrum, made by New Image International. Essentially, the colostrum is lipid-coated in a way that enhances absorption - and the speed of absorption - by up to 100%.

What about the cows?

The colostrum comes from cows grown on pesticide-free pastures here in clean, green New Zealand, during the natural three-month calving season. The cows are free from antibiotics and growth hormones, and are not immunised to produce any specific antibodies first - something some other colostrum types are. No calves are harmed in production of Alpha Lipid Colostrum products - if a calf doesn’t get colostrum within 24 hours of birth it can’t live.

Calves need around 20% of the colostrum produced to survive, which is why they get the first fill, and the excess is used to produce Alpha Lipid Colostrum. This is the excess that most farms simply wash down the drain until milk is produced.

And how do I get my hands on it?

Send me an email with your order. Credit/debit card/online banking payments and international orders all welcome.


The information on this website is for guidance only, and is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from your doctor. If you have any symptoms that are concerning you, please seek a proper diagnosis, and if you are taking any medication please check with your GP before taking colostrum. I can not and do not promise any cures for anything; but it just might be worth a shot.

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